NCERT Class 6 Comprehension and Composition Chapters Informal Letter

Enhance your NCERT Class 6 Comprehension and Composition skills with our focused guide on writing Informal Letters. Master chapters, techniques, and examples for effective communication.

NCERT Class 6 Comprehension and Composition Chapters Informal Letter

What is an Informal Letter?

Every person writes a letter at some point of time in his life. Letters not only carry formal discourses but are also means of friendly conversations. How language and vocabulary is used in a letter reflects the skills and finesse of the writer as well. Therefore, it is essential to master the skill of writing a good letter from an early age.

Informal letters or friendly letters help us communicate with our distant friends and relatives which in turn helps us stay in touch with them. It gives us an insight into their lives and experiences, while we share a part of us at the same time. For this mutual exchange to occur satisfactorily, we need to study the basic rules and polish our skills through practice.

Format of an Informal Letter

NCERT Class 6 Comprehension and Composition Chapters Informal Letter

Points to Remember

  • The address of the person writing the letter is noted at the top left-hand side of the sheet.
  • The address is followed by the date the letter is written.
  • The salutation in an informal letter carries the name of the receiver preceded by an endearment (Example: Dearest XYZ,)
  • The salutation is preceded and followed by a blank line.
  • The letter should be written (preferably) in three paragraphs.
  • Restating your reason for writing the letter in the concluding paragraph is essential.

Types of Informal Letters

Informal letters can be classified into various types based on their content. They include

  • Letter of permission
  • Letter of condolence
  • Letter of invitation
  • Letter of information
  • Letter of apology
  • Letter of appreciation

Tips to Writing an Informal Letter

  • Collect all your thoughts before beginning to write the letter.
  • Make a rough list of all the important things that you wish to share.
  • Take time to write the letter in a neat handwriting with readable letters.
  • Maintain a free flow of ideas. Avoid skipping from one point to the other.
  • Avoid scribbling or cancelling what has already been written.

Sample Informal Letters

Sample 1

16/B Ashirvad Nagar

B. R. Ambedkar Road Pune

25th September 2015

Dearest Sarita,

I hope you are in good health and excelling in your professional field. Your decision to move to another state, though praiseworthy, has nevertheless been difficult for all of us to accept. This is the first time that a child from our household has ventured out alone to make a career. We all miss you dearly, especially your grandparents.

To top it all, the recently held family gathering came too soon after your departure. Everyone regretted that we could not have it before your departure. When we sit down to talk and share our stories, you became the main subject of our discussion. You would have loved it if you were here. I know how you love to be pampered by all.

Everyone recollected with fondness your love for food and your exceptional talent at turning random experiments into delicious dishes. This was the first time that you were not present to feed and entertain us. I don‟t think you need to know how proud you have made all of us by your achievements. I wish for you many such happy achievements. Remember to take care of your health too and do write to us whenever you have the time.

With lots of love,

Your dear aunt, Kavita

Sample 2

14, Rajput Society Vinayak Road Ahmedabad

15th October 2015

Dearest Ravi,

I received a letter from your school updating me on your progress of the last half year. I have observed that your marks have improved. I am extremely proud of you my son. I am glad that you have taken my advice seriously and worked hard this year.

As I always say balance and discipline are the two most important aspects of a person‟s life. One who masters the two conquers the entire world. Doing the right thing is not sufficient. Doing it in the right time is what counts. I hope you are not taking my advice to the extreme and becoming a bookworm. Studies are essential but balancing them with other activities like sports is equally important. I have always said that you are a smart child. All you needed was some discipline which I now see in your actions. I hope you carry on the good work and excel further in your exams.

My good wishes and prayers are always with you.

Yours lovingly,

Sample 3

Savitri Apartments

1st floor Room no. 105 Khed Nagar Chembur Mumbai 200 001

7th July 2015

Dearest Uncle Ravi,

We all are in good health and I hope the same is with you. I recently went for a trip to Sanjay Gandhi National Park. It was organised by the Nature Club of my school. As I know your love for nature, I wish to share my experience with you.

There was stark contrast between the weather outside and the weather inside the park. The place was cool all throughout the day. Last night‟s drizzle brought the place to life making it look more colourful than it already was. We saw climbers and creepers; trees and shrubs; and fruits and flowers. We also saw some reptiles. The cherry on the top was the big crocodile which was crawling across the road. We were scared out of our wits at the sight of it. Luckily, we were clearly instructed not to panic and run away because that would provoke the animal.. We also saw many monkeys who came down to take a closer look at us. I guess they were as inquisitive about us as we were about them. We also heard sounds of rattle snakes but unfortunately we could not spot them. We also went for boat rides.

I just returned from the trip, but I can‟t wait to visit it again. If you could convince  dad, all of us  could go for a picnic there. I clicked loads of pictures which I would love to show to you all. Do come home some day with Aunt Jyoti, Pinkey and Puneet. I have to end my letter now. It always feels nice to write to you. I will write to you again soon.

Until then I remain,

Yours truly, Soham

Sample 4

21, Divan Society Mall Naka Road Goregaon, Mumbai 15th August 2015

Dear Anita,

It has been a long time since we spoke. So, I thought of writing this letter to fill you in about something exciting which has happened in my life. I was felicitated in my school for topping in three subjects: English, History and Mathematics.

The felicitation ceremony was held on the 1st of September and students from all grades attended it. The students were felicitated for excellence in not only academics but also extracurricular activities. I felt a rush of excitement as my name was called by the principal, and I wished you were there to applaud for me as I collected my medals. The memory of the function is still etched deep in my mind. Your presence would have made it more special as you have always motivated me to work hard in these subjects.

Hope that you write to me soon. I really miss reading your well written letters. Yours truly,

Sample 5

234, Shanti Nivas Gokhale Road Thane

17th March 2015

Dear Sujata,

It‟s been ages since I‟ve heard from you. Yesterday, while reading a story written by Satyajit Ray titled „Patol Babu, Film Star‟, I thought of you and how much you and I would have enjoyed discussing it. That prompted me to write this letter to you.

In the story, the titular character is a minor actor and his mentor offers him a valuable piece of advice: “There is no humiliation in playing a minor role”. It struck a chord in my heart; it meant that no opportunity is worth turning away from no matter how insignificant it may seem. I have always advised you about the same virtue. Remember how I reprimanded you about turning down the seat at VJTI because you were unsure? I hope that you learnt something significant through that episode. Remember, opportunities don‟t always come knocking on our doors. Be sure to make the most of your life. What are your thoughts? Do write to me.

Yours truly, Akshaya

Sample 6

M.K Girls Hostel

S. Karve Marg Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 009

25th September 2015

Dear Mom,

I know you will be upset to read this letter. I am sorry that I will not be able to come home for Diwali this year.

My first term exams got postponed due to the elections and are now scheduled to be held right after Diwali. Believe me when I say that I am not happy to stay away from you during this festive season but I have no other choice. I promise you that I will come home immediately after the exams. In the mean time, please do not be disheartened. I love you and dad a lot and will keep you in my prayers.

I hope to see you soon. Give my love and my best wishes to all at home and my friends.

Your loving daughter, Renu

Sample 7

A-10, Green Park Society Opp. P. Naik Bus Depot Shiv Sagar Nagar

New Delhi 400 005

14th January 2015

Dear Rupali,

I attended Ashwathi‟s wedding last Wednesday. Both she and I missed you a lot at the wedding.

The ceremony was very grand. Had you been there, you could have enjoyed a lot.

There were over a thousand guests and each was well attended. She received many expensive gifts from her family as well as from the business associates of her father who attended the wedding. The banquet was scrumptious, and the entire hall was done up in a traditional style. There were a mind- boggling number of cuisines and we were spoilt for choice. Ashwathi was very tired by the time the rituals ended; nevertheless, her joy knew no bounds when she saw me and the rest of our gang.

She graciously received the greetings of all the guests. The wedding went on till late in the evening. It was a great day, but you were missed by all. I can‟t wait to see you soon and share more details in person. Till then I remain

Yours truly, Divya

Sample 8

Reema Joshi A/508, Gokul Nivas

Tilak Road, Pratap Nagar Vasai, Mumbai 400 020

5th February 2015

Dearest Aunt Sarita,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you today, and I am sure that you will also be glad to hear what I have to share. I have been chosen by my school to receive the Pandita Ramabai Award for social service and educational aid towards fellow students.

The award will be granted to me at our school‟s Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony that is to be held on the 5th of March 2015. I am asked to invite my parents to witness the event and to be a part of that joyous moment.. I was recently told by my class teacher that my efforts at helping my classmates in studies had not gone unnoticed by my teachers who recommended my name for it. It is indeed a great honour for me to receive this award which has rarely been bestowed on students before. In addition, my joy was multiplied when I was told that the Principal, who has been my role model, will herself be granting me the award. This occasion will surely be etched in my memory with great fondness.

In addition to my parents, you too have been an instrumental force in shaping my character. I therefore thank you on this occasion for the role you have played in my life and attribute this award to you and my parents.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Sample 9

402, Snehasadan Vijaykar Wadi

Malad, Mumbai 400 097

2nd March 2015

Dear Jhanvi,

I hope this letter finds you well. I write this letter to you to discuss a problem that you and I have often agonised about. Remember our bumpy rides to school in the school bus? Well the stretch between SV Road at Milan Junction and the Link Road, passing through Daulat and Rizvi Nagar, is still a nightmare for commuters. I recently read in the papers that this infamous stretch has 179 potholes! To top it up, the rains have turned many of them into small pools of dirty water, the biggest among them measuring 3 X 3 metres with a depth of 10 inches! Naturally, the motorists struggle every day to commute on this road.

The authorities may take years to act upon this problem. So it is up to us to take the necessary precautions to avoid any fatalities. We need to instruct our bus driver to steer clear of the big potholes. Driving slowly will minimise the inconvenience caused to the passengers. The water-filled potholes have to be avoided since it is difficult to gauge their depth. We can also opt for an alternate route even if it takes longer to get to school. I have decided to distribute these printed instructions to other motorists who use this road. I truly believe that the frequency of accidents can be brought down considerably if everyone adheres to these instructions. Write back to me with your views on this subject.

Yours truly, Sanika

Sample 10

Reema Patel

A/12 Akanksha Flats Sola Road Ahemadabad 380 012

2nd January 2015

Dearest Minal,

Many happy returns of the day. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how important your friendship is to mw. We have been friend since childhood and over these years you have become as important to me as any of my family members.

In today‟s materialistic world it is very difficult to make friend. True friends are even rarer to find. But when one finally finds a person they can connect with, an extraordinary friendship develops. Such friendship is beneficial for both and helps them grow and mature in the company of the other. You have been just that in my life. We have shared countless moments both joyous and sorrowful and this has strengthened our bond. Recollecting those days we spent together always brings a smile to my face. You have been my confidant and guide through all these years.

It is out of your personal example that I learnt qualities like sacrifice and trust. You are and will always be the most valued treasure in my life. May you have a wonderful birthday..

Wishing you all the happiness in the world.

Yours faithfully,

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